4 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Chronic Disease Management

As a doctor and healthcare professional, one of the most frustrating situations you regularly encounter is probably non-compliant patients struggling to adhere to their chronic disease management plans. While it’s easy to assume patients simply don’t care, that’s almost never the case. Understanding the barriers to chronic disease management can help you to circumvent them.

The Barriers of Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease is both prevalent and expensive in the United States. Approximately half of US adults have at least one chronic disease according to 2012 CDC data. That high volume of chronic illness made up over 85% of healthcare spending in 2010. That cost is driven partially by the 80+% of patients who drop out of chronic disease management programs, thereby putting themselves at increased risk of complications or worsening symptoms.

Barriers and How to Overcome Them

  1. Medication Cost: Medication adherence is typically at the heart of most chronic disease management plans, and patients who cannot take their medications regularly are unable to work towards a better state of health. With rising prescription costs, almost 25% of patients worry that they will be unable to afford medications in the future, and over 14% of patients have avoided filling a prescription solely due to cost. Work with your patients to determine if they are taking medication and if the cost could be prohibitive. Exploring budget-friendly options and coupons is a great way to increase engagement.
  2. Lack of Awareness of Resources: Many patients fail to realize the depth and breadth of resources available through your practice and the government. By educating yourself and your patients about all of the resources available and improving their health literacy, you can empower them to better adhere to their chronic disease management plan.
  3. Communication and Support: When patients don’t feel supported at home or by their healthcare provider, it’s a major barrier to chronic disease management. Emphasize preventative care and follow up regularly with patients coping with chronic illnesses. Include family members and friends in the education process as much as possible, and offer your patients resources to share with them.
  4. Mental Health Issues: Depression and anxiety can be additional burdens on top of existing chronic conditions. Acknowledge that many patient populations need mental health support and prioritize screening for depression and mental illness.  

Learn More About Serving Chronic Disease Patients with Vetters Enterprises

Vetters Enterprises specializes in practice management, private practice business support and revenue cycle optimization. We can perform in-depth assessments of your practice or facility and identify potential issues. Let us keep your business as healthy as you keep your patients! Give us a call at (443) 352-0088.

Best Practices for Text Messaging Your Patients

Text messaging is undoubtedly one of the most popular ways to quickly and easily communicate today, but does that make it secure? Think again! While text messaging your patients might seem like an exciting new way to stay in touch, there are many unique problems that can pop up when using texting in the healthcare space.

Texting and HIPAA

As a provider, your medical practice is required to follow the rules and regulations put together in HIPAA. Some practices mistakenly think that HIPAA prevents all text message communications, but that isn’t the case. There is no rule that stops you from texting patients missed appointment notifications, appointment reminders and other information. However, HIPAA does mandate that, when text messaging your patients, you must put adequate protections in place to guard Protected Health Information (PHI). Since you have no guarantee that text messages are arriving at the phone number associated with a patient and phones can be easily compromised, you shouldn’t dive into text messaging your patients without the right preparations.

Do Your Patients Want to Receive Text Messages?

Before you add text messaging to your suite of contactoptions, you should consider what your patients want. The Columbia University Medical Center conducted a study of patients to see what they wanted from theirdoctors. ¾ of patients said that they preferred:

  • Being texted statements instead of questions (“Reply YES to this message to confirm your appointment on November 20th” instead of “Can we expect you at your appointment on November 20th?”)
  • Receiving text messages that are professional and written with proper grammar (Saying “you” instead of “u,” “tomorrow” instead of “2mrw,” etc.)
  • Cute, happy emojis included at the end of messages

When You’re Text Messaging Your Patients

  • Verify patient contact information every time you speak with them to ensure reminders and confirmations are arriving at the right destination.
  • Let patients know that by giving you their wireless contact information, the number may be used for both telephone and text message communications.
  • If patients ask to stop receiving text messages or change the phone number on file, you should have procedures inplace to instantly update the information in the system. You can face legaltrouble for unwanted text communications.
  • When text messaging your patients,include the least amount of PHI possible.
  • If you choose to use a third-partymessaging service, make sure that it is HIPAA-compliant before signing up.

Alternatives to Text Messaging

Patient portals offer secure messaging between providers and patients, and they are 100% HIPAA compliant. Vetters Enterprises can help your practice implement patient portals and ensure safe, prompt communication between your office and clients. Patient portals also offer the additional benefit of fulfilling the secure patient communication guidelines that are part of the Meaningful Use standards. If you are tracking your metrics for MU or MACRA, adding a patient portal will help you to reach your goals.

Improve Your Practice with Vetters Enterprises

Vetters Enterprises specializes in practice management, private practice business support and revenue cycle optimization. We can perform in-depthassessments of your practice or facility and identify potential issues. Let uskeep your business as healthy as you keep your patients! Give us a call at(443) 352-0088.