How Can Volunteering Help Your Physicians Recharge?

Experts have known for a long time that volunteering is a good thing. After all, what could be bad about giving back to the communities around us? However, new research is suggesting that volunteering is also good for your body and mind. Physicians who are looking to recharge and reignite their passion for helping others can benefit from taking time to volunteer.

The Mental Health Benefits

Volunteering has a wonderful effect on mental health. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, much of that stems from social integration theory. Social integration theory is the idea that the social connections between individuals provide meaning and purpose and satisfaction. Individuals who volunteer feel accomplishment from giving back and also gain fulfillment from being in a helpful role. Another study of older adults found that volunteering can buffer the sense of loss that they felt as they lost other identities, like being a wage-earner or parent.

The Physical Health Benefits

One study from Carnegie Mellon University found that adults over the age of 50 who regularly volunteered had a lower likelihood of developing high blood pressure. As most physicians know, high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke and premature death. While the link between physical health and volunteering might be incidental, it goes to show that doing good can also do your body a whole lot of good.

Why Volunteering for Physicians?

Long days and nights at a medical practice can make it easy to forget why doctors went into medicine in the first place—to help others. If doctors and nurses in your practice need to recharge, volunteering is the perfect way to do so. What are some of the other benefits of volunteering?

  • Increase social interactions with people other than patients and co-workers during the week.
  • Provide a sense of satisfaction and increase self-esteem.
  • Add career experience in other fields to your resume, like public speaking, writing or business development.
  • Stay mentally and physically active outside of work.
  • Enjoy the rush of endorphins and happy feelings associated with volunteering (similar to how you feel after a great workout).

Partner with Vetters Enterprises for Help Taking Your Practice to the Next Level

Vetters Enterprises specializes in practice management, private practice business support and revenue cycle optimization. We can perform in-depth assessments of your practice or facility and identify potential issues. Let us keep your business as healthy as you keep your patients! Give us a call at (443) 352-0088.

Get on the “Road to 10”

CMS is pushing hard to get everyone prepared for 10/1/2015.  What is that date all about?  That is the drop dead date for ICD-10 conversion.  CMS says they are not pushing the date for compliance back any further and I know most of you are saying “Yeah right…that’s what they said last year”.  Well in our opinion it’s got to happen this year.  Check out CMS’ “Road to 10” website and tools.  This site has been improving and improving over time and it looks to us like they are ready to pull the trigger.

We know most of you are grudgingly preparing or angrily protesting the change but in reality this is one of the best things to happen in healthcare.  ICD-10 coding is going to really go a long way to help agencies track the healthcare that is administered in this country accurately.  Because ICD-10 coding requires the providers to be more specific about the patient’s medical condition, in the long term this can mean:

  • More funding towards specific diagnosis and treatment
  • More funding to areas of the country experiencing specific diagnosis ranges
  • Increased research into specific diagnosis
  •  Analytics and reporting to help providers in their areas

By no longer supporting the “unspecified” diagnosis codes we get a clearer picture of the country’s predisposition to certain diagnoses in specific regions of the country.  That way it won’t take someone accidentally finding that a small town in PA had less heart disease per capita than the rest of the country.  It will be through precise analytics.

The rest of the world is already using ICD-11 and it is about time America attempted to catch up.  Converting to ICD-10 is a step in the right direction.




Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

We went all out on this one!  I will be having a series of videos called CoffeeChats where I will discuss some of the challenges facing medical practitioners in private practice.  I started with a HIPAA compliance overview and I will be delving deeper into that subject with additional videos in the series.

HIPAA is a huge set of regulations and believe it or not over 70% of practices are not HIPAA compliant and over 79% of practices will fail their Meaningful Use HIPAA audits.  It’s a challenging landscape to try and navigate and VE Cycle Management wants to help you succeed and achieve HIPAA compliance.  Our web-based “one-stop-shop” solution CompliancyGuard can help you do this.  We will learn more about what advantages CompliancyGuard has over other services out there and why you need it during this series of videos.  Watch the first one now and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!