Reduce Paper, Streamline Patient Encounters

  • Customizable
  • Easy-to-Use, Intuitive Interface
  • Minimal Start-up Time
  • 24/7 Web-Based Access
  • e-Prescribing
  • Lab and Radiology integration
  • HL7, HIPAA, and CCHIT Certified


Choosing an electronic medical records solution can be a frustrating process. You need to begin to comply with government regulations, but don’t want to get stuck with a system that ignores your unique office workflow.

Well, our EHR solutions allow you to implement a customized solution that will parallel the current workflow of your practice.

Here’s why a web based EHR solution is right for you:

  • Simple solutions for complex workflows – Designed by physicians, our EHR solutions are customizeable to match your work flow from appointing and payment collection, encounter documentation, and billing submissions. Also e-Prescribing and lab integration. Additionally, we offer a fully functional patient portal that can capture patient payments online, creating a more efficient revenue stream.
  • Implementation & Training – Training for any of these systems can be accomplished by one-on-one provider training with a customer success representative, to informative video series and user guides. Choose which methods suites you and your staff.

It’s the right time, and our EHRs are the right systems for you.

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