So.. Hey, we are looking for funding!

Well, we have made a lot of contacts since Tracy and I really hit the pavement to keep doctors in private practice from being taken over by hospital and insurance conglomerates.  It’s been a rocky road; the recent government shutdown kept the hubby at home and within the last few weeks another contract I’d had has reduced my hours, so I decided that I believe so much in what we are doing, I am not too proud to beg….

As a result, here is our campaign on Indiegogo and our campaign on

Our perks are pretty good if I do say so myself!  Go get yourself a T-Shirt or an iPad Mini!!


Welcome to VE Cycle Management

Hey did you ever think you wanted to be in business for yourself and then you woke up and you WERE!!  OMG, what have we done!

I think that is what makes VE Cycle Management special is that it’s family owned and we got a great marketing director that makes all the difference in finding us doctors and providers to talk to.

Next time you visit your provider, check to see if they have a ton of charts on the wall.  If they do, we can help them.  Just tell them that they need to talk to us at