So I moved into my own officeclose-up-of-explosion-of-champagne-bottle-cork2 on October 1, 2016!  It’s amazing to believe that only 3.5 years ago I was scared as hell to be leaving Corporate America and embarking on this new journey.  I had no confidence, no marketing ability, and really no idea if I could actually make it in my chosen field.  So I took steps to ensure success.  I joined a networking group and got over my fear of meeting other business professionals.  I found a business coach who showed me that it is OK if someone doesn’t want what I have to offer, move on to the next potential client.  He also showed me that there is a “negative voice” inside that needs to be pushed out and never listened to.  I also surrounded myself with others who complemented my skills with theirs and together we bounced ideas off each other, supported each other and made each other’s business grow as a result.  Most importantly my confidence in what I could do, make and achieve for myself exploded.   Now I’m celebrating my success as a result of relentless perseverance and shear will.

So for any of you who have beaten yourself up in a cube for several years because it only seems like you can get so far.  Or lost that promotion you were sure to have gotten to someone else who clearly was a chump and didn’t know anything about the project.  Or stuck up for what was right only to have it overturned by the “powers that be” because it was all about the MONEY.  Or most importantly, got downsized and left to pick up the pieces and send your resume to every job on Monster, Career Builder, and even Craigslist, just to be told you are too qualified, too old, or too whatever their excuse may be.  Find your WHY and get out there and do it.  Take the chance, drain your 401K to finance it, you only have one life to live so make it the best life you can possibly live.  Enjoy, hell love, what you do for the first time in your life.  If it works, it will be all you and no one else can take it away from you.  If it fails, start over, don’t ever give up.  To quote Thomas Edison “I have not FAILED, I just found 10,000 ways how not make a light bulb”.  Make your light bulb.

Patient Payments Simplified

Most practitioners don’t know that you are 50% less likely to recoup a patient copay if they leave your office without paying.  This impacts your cash flow more than you know.

I wanted to share with you a great idea from a great company – Payspan.  Some folks who work with Medical Assistance or any of the Beacon Health Options carriers may be very familiar with logging on to Payspan to pick up their EOPs but they have a great program for helping you get that payment up front that you need.  Check out this webinar if you can.


Webinar: Simple Techniques for Accelerating Patient Payments

Join us Thursday, October 6th for the Simple Techniques for Accelerating Patient Payments Webinar

If you missed Simple Techniques for Accelerating Patient Payments Webinar join usOctober 6th, 2016 and let us help you accelerate patient payments.

The abundance of high-deductible health plans is presenting unique revenue challengesfor healthcare providers, and many practices are struggling to quickly and accurately collect patient financial responsibility dollars. There are simple tips and solutions every practice can adopt to increase patient revenue and improve operational efficiency.

Please join us on Thursday, October 6, for a complimentary webinar titled, “Simple Techniques for Accelerating Patient Payments.” We will be speaking about:

  • Best practices for dealing with the increase in patient responsibility and high-deductible health plans;
  • Best practices for accelerating patient payments; and
  • Innovative patient payment solutions that will get your practice where it needs to be today.

With the shift to new reimbursement models and the increase in out-of-pocket patient responsibility, it is more important than ever for providers to adopt innovative tools in order to stay financially viable. If you are interested in maximizing revenue in today’s evolving healthcare economy, join us at 2:00pm, EDT on October 6th, 2016.


The Payspan Team

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With the largest healthcare network in the U.S., we provide payment automation services that improve administrative efficiency, meet regulatory requirements, and enable payers and providers to manage new reimbursement strategies. We bring together healthcare expertise with proven financial services technology to empower a new generation of healthcare economics. CONTACT US